SHOFU Opaque Hard Composite Resin
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Light-curing Crowns and Bridge,Inlays and Veneer Composite
CERAMAGE is a light-curing Crown and Bridge composite featuring estheticshades similar to natural dentition, optimal viscosity for detailed reproduction andeasy-to-use property.
COMPOSITIONPRE-OPAQUE: UDMA, Aluminium Silicate, 2-HEMA, Pigments and othersOPAQUE: UDMA, Aluminium Silicate, 2-HEMA, Glass Powder, Pigments andothersC&B COMPOSITE RESIN: UDMA, UDA, Zrconium Silicate, Pigments and othersFLOWABLE COMPOSITE RESIN: UMDA, UDA, Zirconium Silicate, Pigments andothersMODELLING LIQUID, UDMA, Trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate, others
INDICATIONSFabrication of permanent and temporary indirect restorationsa) Crowns and Bridges for anterior and posterior restorationsJacket crowns for anterior and posterior restorationsnlays and OnlaysLaminate veneersImplant superstructuresIntraoral and extraoral repairs of indirect restorations
1. Do not use this product on patients with known allergies to this material and/or
methacrylate monomer.
2. Operators with known allergies to this material and/or methacrylate monomer
must not use this product.
3.If any inflammation or other allergic reactions occur on either the patient or
operator, immediately discontinue use and seek medical advice.
4. Do not use this product on patients with malocclusion and bruxism (clenching,
grinding and tapping).
5. CERAMAGE SPACER includes natural rubber. Operators with history of
developing anaphylactic reaction to natural rubber must not use CERAMAGE
6. Do not handle unpolymerized material with bare hands. Use protective plastic
gloves and glasses to avoid sensitization to this product. Avoid contact of this
material with skin and eyes. In case of accidental contact with skin, immedi- ately blot with alcohol moistened cotton ball and rinse with plenty of water. In
case of contact with eyes, immediately flush the eyes with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
7. Use local dust extractor, dust protective mask, etc while grinding this product to
avoid harmful influence of the dust on the human body. 8. Give patients proper instructions for daily cleaning to avoid getting stained or
plaque adhesion.
9. This product is intended for use by dental professionals only
* Light-curing time described in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE below is based on the
curing time with SHOFU’s Solidilite V, Halogen light-curing unit for lab use.
A. Fabrication of anterior and posterior crowns and bridges/implant
A-1. Production of a metal frame
The construction of metal framework is modelled anatomically and made
according to the generally accepted guidelines. Apply retention beads
in a size of 150 µm before casting. To obtain a natural tooth shape and
sufficient stability, ensure a minimum thickness of 0.6 mm of the veneer. Adjust the metal framework after casting.
¾ Occlusal contact of posterior restoration must be supported by metal
frame. A-2. Surface treatment of metal frame
Sandblast the metal frame. Then, clean with a steam cleaner or ultrasonic
cleaner and dry. Apply M.L. Primer to the surface of the metal framework,
where CERAMAGE is applied, and dry. A-3. Application and light-curing of PRE-OPAQUE/SHOFU Universal Opaque
Apply a coat of PRE-OPAQUE with a brush and light-cure for 1 minute.
Ensure the material completely flows into the undercuts of the retention
¾ For a bridge case with pontic, apply FLOWABLE COMPOSITE RESIN/
CERAMAGE UP to make up for the cutback area. Then, light-cure for
3 minutes.
A-4. Application and light-curing of OPAQUE/SHOFU Universal Opaque
Apply the material with a small brush and light-cure for 3 minutes. If
necessary, repeat this procedure to mask the metal color completely.
¾ Use separate brushes for PRE-OPAQUE and OPAQUE and clean
them with alcohol (or CERAMAGE CLEANER) immediately after use.
A-5. Build up and light-curing of C&B COMPOSITE RESIN (Opaque Dentin,
Cervical and Body)
Apply Opaque Dentin or Cervical from cervical area to the center of the
crown and light-cure for 1 minute (preliminary curing). Build up Body and
light-cure for 1 minute (preliminary curing). When additional build-up is
required, apply MODELLING LIQUID thinly before build-up to facilitate
the procedure.
A-6. Build-up and light-curing of C&B COMPOSITE RESIN (Incisal, Translucent and Concentrate)
Create crown outline with Incisal. When characterizing partially,
use Translucent or Concentrate. For detailed characterization, use
entrapping air bubbles and facilitate operation. After final build-up, lightcure for 3 minutes. Applying CERAMAGE OXY-BARRIER before final
cure is recommended in order to minimize uncured material on the
A-7. Contouring
After light-curing, contour the restoration following the conventional
method. Use Dura-Green Stones or fine diamond burs for trimming and contouring. It is not advisable to use cutters or course diamond burs.
A-8. Finishing and polishing
After finishing with CompoMaster Coarse, use DURA-POLISH for pre
polishing and DURA- POLISH DIA for high luster polishing.
B. Fabrication of anterior and posterior jacket crowns
B-1. Preparation on a working model
After creating the working model in conventional method, apply
CERAMAGE SPACER to the die. Do not apply to the margin area. Then,
apply CERAMAGE SEP to the margins etc and dry.
B-2. Application and light-curing of OPAQUE/SHOFU Universal Opaque
Apply the material with a small brush and light-cure for 3 minutes. If
necessary, repeat this procedure to mask the abutment color completely.
B-3. Build up C&B COMPOSITE RESIN, light-cure, contour, finish and polish,
following the procedures of A-4 to A-8 steps described above.
C. Fabrication of inlays and onlays/laminate veneers
C-1. Production on a working model
Create a working model following the conventional method. In the case,
where cavity has undercuts, apply CERAMAGE SPACER. Then, apply
CERAMAGE SEP to the inner surfaces around the cavity or on the area
to be veneered and dry.
C-2. Build-up and light-curing of C&B COMPOSITE RESIN (Body and Incisal)
Build up Body from the cavity floor and light-cure for 1 minute (preliminary
curing). When additional build-up is required, apply MODELLING LIQUID
thinly before build-up to facilitate the procedure. Then, overlay Incisal.
When characterizing partially, use Translucent or Concentrate. After final
build-up, light-cure (preliminary curing) for 1 minute. After final build-up,
light-cure for 3 minutes. Applying CERAMAGE OXY-BARRIER before
final cure is recommended in order to minimize uncured material on the
C-3. Contour, finish and polish following the procedures of A-7 and A-8 steps described above.
Light-curing times
Procedure Halogen lamp
(Solidilite V)
Curing of PRE-OPAQUE 1 min.
Curing of OPAQUE 3 min.
Preliminary curing 1 min.
Curing of pontic 3 min.
Final light-curing 3 min.
¾ The table shows light-curing time with Solidilite V. When using other
curing unit, follow the curing unit manufacturer’s instructions for use to
light-cure CERAMAGE properly.
1. Average light-curing time for intraoral repair with CERAMAGE
Dental light-curing unit Halogen LED
Light-curing time 40 sec. 20 sec.
2. When using a hand-held light-curing unit, operators must use protective glasses
or light shielding plate to avoid looking directly at the curing light. Operators
must also protect patients’ eyes from direct exposure to the curing light.
3. Follow the instructions for use of each dental material, instrument or equipment
to be used in conjunction with this product.
4. Tightly close the cap immediately after each use.
5. The paste dispensed onto the dish or paper pad should be shielded from
ambient light
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- Tags: Ceramage, Shofu opaque